But . . . alas. Have I told you I have several jobs? My husband and I own a day trading software company for which I play many roles. Always a chance to use my brain in that capacity. I work for my sister-in-law's company for which I schedule and run gold buying events. Always a chance to talk to real people outside of my house and have fun doing it. I also have a business doing personal bargain shopping for friends who for some insane reason don't enjoy doing it themselves. Always opportunities to bargain shop and help friends save money at the same time.
And I have this blog. Which, more often than I would like, is left to sit unattended and waiting. So sorry.
But, when life is crazy - I am truly thankful at dinner time everyday that I KNOW what I am going to make and I KNOW I have the ingredients to make it. Whew.
Here is this week's plan:
MONDAY - Baked ham (cleanin' out the deep freeze), au gratin potatoes, apples
TUESDAY - Spaghetti, peas, bread (Jason is working at night - so just me and the kids.)
WEDNESDAY - Chili, shredded cheese, muffins (Chili I will pull out of the freezer. I am also bringing a meal to a friend from church who just had a baby. I probably do pulled pork, baked potatoes, perhaps another veggie, maybe some muffins, and cookies.)
THURSDAY - Vietnamese Fried Rice, yogurt, fruit and CUPCAKES!! (Our baby girl turns 1!!)
FRIDAY - Tuna Crescents, corn, fruit
SATURDAY - Pizza and movie night
SUNDAY - Leftover pizza (I will be working and Jason will be flying solo at dinner time.)
So there you have it. Should be a busy week with work and homeschool, a birthday, and several doctor appointments. Thank goodness for meal planning!!
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