Thursday, September 3, 2009

3 Down, 27 to Go

I did not spend any money today. Thank goodness. Suddenly I am very conscious of this, now that I have publicly stated that I am trying to cut back.

I had to will the van past Walgreens tonight to NOT go in and work the deals.

Whew. What is it today, September 3rd? So I have 27 days left and I still have money in my pocket.

I can do this.

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1 comment:

  1. Jenna-Thanks for stopping in at my blog! I'm new to the blogging world, so it's exciting to see that someone has actually read what is there! lol Yes, I think you and I might have several things in of them is meal planning. However, you are MUCH better than I and reading your blog has given me renewed spirit to jump back on the wagon! Thanks so much! We are enjoying homeschool SO much..hope you are, too!
